I saw this idea on grace4today's website, but it originally started with orgjunkie. She is hosting "Menu Plan Monday" and since I usually have a few dishes in mind for the week, but don't really plan them, I thought I'd try it out! Here is my menu for the week...
Mon- Chicken Tetrazzini and Salad
Tues- Beef and Broccoli with Teriyaki Bown Rice
Wed- Hopefully leftovers if dh doesn't eat them all for lunch! I also have to make a dessert for our small group that night
Thurs- some kind of crockpot chicken and potatoes. I need to find a recipe
Fri- Baked Chicken Parmesan with Salad and Strawberries (from the menus4moms website)
Sat- Beef and Peppers with rice
If you've never seen it before, menus4moms posts a free weekly menu with recipes. Check them out!
Thanks to orgjunkie for starting this!!!