****Comments are now closed****
The winners will be posted this evening!
And no, I didn't die of embarassment, as someone asked. But the sleep deprivation in this house has reached critical levels, and stringing together coherent sentences has become very hard and so I haven't posted much lately.

Only you get your own all wrapped up in bubble wrap and without my kids in it.
Just in case you wondered.
Anyway, leave a comment saying which prize you'd like to win and then head over to Bloggy Giveaways for more great prizes! And remember to leave me a link to your blog or your email address if you want to actually receive your prize. And this giveaway is only open to addresses in the US or Canada (that's to give you a chance to win, Ange!).
Happy fall, ya'll.
I'm going to take a nap now.
1 – 200 of 264 Newer› Newest»Sign me up! Love Starbucks!!
I would love to win the Starbucks card!
Sign me up for Starbucks please!
Count me in!
Please add me...I'm always up for coffee.
Great give-away! Enter me please. And come enter my giveaways too!
Love Starbucks! I'm in. :)
coffee, please!
Sign me up...I *heart* Starbucks.
I'd love to win!
Yummy!! I would love the starbucks card!!
Starbucks please!
Love Starbucks!
Yum-- that would get me a few delicious Green Tea Frappucinos!!!
Coffee, please!
STARBUCKS!! jennifer.noland@gmail.com
As a recent coffee addict, I say I'm in!
Starbucks, please. I LOVE the carmel apple latte they have right now!
Starbucks please!
Either or! They are both great prizes!
Starbucks is the one for me...I am addicted to my daily dose of caffeine, much as I try to quit!
Coffee Coffee Coffee, buzz buzz buzz!
Sleep deprived mommy seeking Starbucks... please.
Awww, thanks for thinking of the Canadian. (o: I'd love that Starbucks card! Pick me, pick me.
Cool prize, cute frame!
Ooh, I'd love the Starbucks card!
Mmmmm, I can taste the mocha already!
Hi, I like both prizes. I will go with the adorable picture frame. Thanks, Cindi
I like both, but if I had to choose I would choose Starbucks.
I'd love the Starbucks!!!
I'd pick the Starbucks card, but beggars can't be choosers and I would use the picture frame as a Christmas decoration on our tree.
Either one is great. But, I am partial to Starbucks (I have two children under 2)!
I love Starbucks! Please enter me. Thanks!!
Very cool, add me please. The frame in neat.
I'd take either :) My sister could use the starbucks card as she's in college now and the frame is too cute!
I LOVE Starbucks!! please enter me on this giveaway, thanks!
As a mom of two pre-schoolers ... coffee would be a need! Count me in!
Starbucks! Pick me! Pick me! :-)
Please enter me for the Starbucks!
I'm jonesing for some Starbucks!
Starbucks here I come!
star - bucks - star - bucks - star - bucks!!
I love starbucks
I would like either. Thanks.
Can't I have them both?!
I'd love to win the starbucks card. A picture frame that small would just become a chew-toy around this house, and I'd freak out about lead in the pain. ;)
sign me up!!! Thanks
Need Coffee. Bad!
Oooooooohhhhh COFFEE! YUM !
These are great prizes. Count me in.
Enjoy your nap. Please count me in (for either!).
Yeppers us canadians love Starbucks as much as you Americans!
Personally I love thier hot choclate with a dab of carmal.Yum!
Starbucks! Yum, Yum. Count me in please.
Count me in!
I'd love this! Please add me!
Yum! Starbucks, please!
Oh, the Starbucks, definately, I hope you knew that it would mostly swing that way, us momma's need our caffiene!
Count me in for Starbucks, please!!!
Coffee, coffee, coffee!
Bring on the coffee! Thanks for hosting.
Oh yeah bring me those chai tea lattes!! :) And I think that frame would be really cute for my fiance's and my Christmas pic :)
The Starbucks would be great, but the frame is cute too! Please enter me in your giveaway! Thank you!
Love Starbucks!! :-)
How fun! I'd love to win this one! :)
I'm glad your back!
And come enter my giveaway!
I would love to enter the Starbucks giveaway. Thanks!
Starbucks please!
Awesome giveaway! I would love to win! Thanks so much!
My daughter at college would love this!
please enter me for the starbucks!
oooh!!! I'd love to have the Starbuck's gift card! My dh and I guzzle caffeine... I mean coffee. :)
(email addy is at my blog... thanks!)
I'd love to win more coffee.
ohhh cofffeee!
nice! please add me.
hephzibah62 at yahoo dot com
Count me in!
Either gift is great!
count me in please!!!! Thanks for the give away!!!
starbucks please
This is great! Please enter me!
Love coffee; thanks. Mini frame would be great for a gift.
Must.have.pumpkin.spice.latte...now! lol
I have been missing a lot of sleep lately as well, and I feel with the holidays coming it's only going to get worse.
teeth whitener
I would love to win the frame or the Starbucks card!
Either give away is fine with me!
I'd love either of them, but I'm leaning toward the Starbucks card. The level of sleep deprivation is pretty high in this house, too. :)
pump that starbucks straight in me and the frame is so adorable.
I love Starbucks!
Ha!!! This is my first time at your blog and I loved your embarrassing story--sorry. :)
Forget diamonds--coffee is a girl's best friend!!! Count me in!
lmoffitt at aestudios dot com
I love the picture at the top of your blog.
I love coffee...caffine...all is good! Count me in!
I would like Starbucks. monk5@charter.net
I like Starbucks! :)
Cute frame - love Starbucks too.
I love Starbucks! And the frame is cute too! Please enter me!
I would like the starbucks gift card, thanks.
I'd love to be added. What a wonderful gift!
Such a fabulous giveaway!! Please add my name to your draw:-) xo
Add me!
Sooooo wanting the Starbucks!
Count me in! Tonya
Yummy! Count me in!
Yummy...thanks for sharing!
Don't we ALL love Starbucks!!! Sign me up!
Angela dimplequeen73@yahoo.com
I would love the Starbucks gift card! Thanks!
allisonboast at yahoo dot com
Please count me in on your Starbucks drawing!
You have an amazing blog!
Please enter me! I would like the starbucks giftcard to give to my grandmother.
Starbucks and I are like this...(fingers entwined). cute frame too.
Well who doesnt like starbucks? Count me in!
Great giveaway, so count me in! My first choice would be Starbucks, but I'm a frame addict, too. Good luck to everyone!
Coffee is a must have in this household! What a cute little frame!
I love the little frame, my husband's grandmother collects mini-frames. She'd die of pleasure and we'd inherit it all! Mwahaha! Kidding. But really, she'd love it, and I'd love the Starbucks!
The Starbucks sounds fantastic! Love your coffee-themed blog. Thanks for the give-away!!!
I love Starbucks!! Please enter me too!!
my wife loves the starbucks - help me love on her
I'm in! Love Starbucks....
I'd love to treat my Dad to Starbucks - he hates to spend anything extra on himself, but he could use the extra smile. Thank you!
And good luck with the sleep deprivation. I know how that goes.
I totally understand the sleep deprivation... if only the kids would, right?! I'd love the Starbucks card... please count me in! Thank you! :)
I love COFFEE!
I'd like to enter for the SBux card; thanks!
Count me in!
would love to have this :)
Count me in!
Enter me please!
please enter me
betliner @ yahoo .com
Coffee sounds good!
Thanks for the contest!
(lots of pregnancy and natural living links)
Please enter me for coffee!
count me in
WOW a good cup of coffee!!
Would love to win either one! Thanks for the chance!
Starbucks please !
Love Starbucks! Thank you for this giveaway. Could you add me please. Thank you.
love the mini frame!
I like the frame, But I LOVE THE CAFFEINE JOLT> sign me up for starbucks please. Thanks for the chance.
A woman after my own heart!
Did somebody stay Starbucks? I'm there!
starbucks is my lunchtime cafeteria. I bring lunch from home, eat at work, then head over to starbucks for a "double tall, whole milk, extra hot mocha"!
Please enter me!
I would love that very cute frame.
Count me in!!
Pass the java please! ;-)
mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com
Coffee, please! Thanks for the offer!
Both are wonderful,but I really need coffee sometimes and don't splurge on starbucks very often.Count me in. Thanks, classybutearthy@yahoo.com
Love my Starbucks !!!!
Please count me in for the starbucks!
I would like the frame please! Looks like it would make a cute ornament for the tree!
I'd love the Starbucks card for hubby's Christmas stocking. Poor guy works graveyards and can use all the help he can get! lol
Yum! Thanks!
Thanks for the chance to win some much appreciated prizes:)
Mmmm, coffee...
Mmmm, Mama needs a mocha!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Count me in Please!!
I'm dreaming of Gingerbread Lattes!!!
Starbucks would be my choice. I would love to be entered!
michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com
coffee, mmmmmmm! and who can't use a frame?
count me in too. Thanks. :)
Great giveaway!! I'm in.
Sign me up!!! thanks
I have become a recent Starbucks addict...
The frame is adorable, but I'd love to win the star bucks card!
I'd love this! Thanks so much.
This looks maaaah-velous dahling! Put me down . . .
Please include me!
Mmmmm...I would buy a Pumpkin Spice Latte...they are my seasonal fav! Thanks Christy!
I love coffee. Sign me up
Starbucks, please! :) I love coffee!
jenholtz (at) yahoo (dot) com
I LOVE your blog title & banner! It's great! I love coffee and talking with friends at the coffee shop.
freshbrewedwriter at gmail.com
Starbucks and I have a relationship. My husband is jealous and has a problem with my $4 frapps. :) Sign me up!
STARBUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who can turn down a Starbucks giveaway? Please enter me....
Starbucks!!! Thanks
I would SOOOOOOOO love this! the frame is so darn cute and the coffee starbucks???
Thanks for a fabulous giveaway!
Thanks for thinking of all of use that are a little on the sleep deprived and in desperate need of COFFEE -- lots of good COFFEE. :-)
Ooh! Starbucks, please!
Starbucks, please. For my husband, of course.
I love coffee! swarrenpeace@comcast.net
I can't pass up free coffee :)
Sounds lovely. Count me in!
Please enter me. I just love the picture frame. It's so precious. Thanks
Oh, I would love some Starbucks :)
cute blog, love your color scheme! love me some starbucks too, thank you.
some days wouldn't it just be nice to be able to give the kids away too?
I like both, but I'm completely sleep-deprived so I have to choose Starbucks.
Oooh goodie!!!
Please sign me up!!
Fun stuff! Thanks for the giveaway.
I would love to be entered for the coffee thanks!!
Starbucks Giftcard.
Please enter me... the frame's adorable but Starbucks is awesome too!
musicgirl4ever at roadrunner dot com
Cute frame and who could pass up free Starbucks? bigfamily8 at yahoo dot com
I'd love the Starbucks card!
I would love to win, but am even happier to say 44 days, mama! 44 more DAYS!
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
I need some coffee.
Starbucks! I love starbucks!
Hooray for Starbucks! Thank you!
Very Generous! Thanks for the chance to win!
Please enter me! Thanks!
Gotta love coffee! jdeguzman0930@gmail.com
would love the starbucks - i have an active toddler
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