I can't even begin to tell you all how much you have encouraged me over the past weeks as my husband has been deployed. I so appreciate your prayers as well as your comforting and uplifting and funny comments and emails.
Now I have been nominated for two bloggy awards in one week! You guys know exactly how to make a girl feel loved.
First, Kate at
Small Scribbles nominated me for a Blogger Reflection Award! Her posts are always so thought-provoking and inspiring, that it was an honor to be nominated by her!
Then, Missy at
The Three Olivos nominated me for a Rockin' Girl Blogger Award! I've only read Missy's blog a few times (and she is new to mine, too!) so it was so sweet of her to think of me!
Now I am supposed to nominate other bloggers...however, 10 is a bit much! Five for each award. So if you can forgive me, I think I'll do two for each award.
Here are the rules for the Blogger Reflection Award:
"Give to those who have who have been an encouragement, a source of love, impacted you in some way, and have been a Godly example to you. Five Bloggers who when you reflect on them you get a sense of pride and joy… of knowing them and being blessed by them.”“This award is for the best-of-the-best so consider who you pick, carefully. This award should not be given to just anyone. If you’re going to do the award don’t just write a few words and slap it on your Blog. Write real thoughts about these Bloggers and what they’ve meant to you. If the Bloggers you pick have already been given the award, don’t be afraid to give it to them again. They deserve it as many times as it’s given.”
First...Bethany at
A Picturesqe Life and Joy at
Living Joyously. I am blessed to know both these bloggers in real life. They both challenge me to be a better mom, are dedicated to God and their families, and include tons of pictures of their gorgeous children!
Next, the Rockin Girl Blogger Award...This goes to Megan at
SortaCrunchy and Mikki at
My Bible and a Cup of Coffee Works For Me. They are so sweet to read my blog and comment and are constantly encouraging me and praying for me, and I so look forward to hearing from them. Yet I am such a bad commenter on their blogs! I totally lurk. They are definitely some rockin' mamas!
Thank you all again!
Thank you for your kind words. I had no idea that you had ever visited my blog so I was surprised by your view of it.
I understand lurking though. I read many blogs and do not comment.
Aw! Thank you so much! I'm encouraged and blessed by you too! I've enjoyed getting to know you so much! :D
Oh, I lurk, too. Some days I'm a pretty chatty commenter, but most days I read quietly. Not sure why, really. Anyway, great choices... and you *do* rock!
I agree that you do ROCK! And I am so incredibly honored that you would think of me. Thanks!!
Forgive me if I don't get to putting it on my blog anytime soon - it's not that I don't want to, it's just a matter of not having time or the ability to formulate thoughts when I'm so tired. I know you understand that. My mom left this morning and Lane goes to work tomorrow (though he says he'll only work for a few hours) - eek! how do I do it with 4 all by myself!!
(LOVE the baby glider and the baby sling from you - both are magical in soothing little Beth, so thank you, thank you!)
Thank you. Your such a sweety! Sorry it's been awhile since I've been here. I've been a little out of it lately.
Thanks for the Rockin honor!! Very cool!!
Awwwwwwwww, Christy! You sweet thing, you! Thank you so much. What a wonderful surprise to come back to. Hooray!
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