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Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Big Bloggy Move!

big bloggy move2

Don't forget to be here on Monday, February 11th! You can showcase your new or redesigned blog, or visit new blogs for the chance to win prizes.

Sign the Mr. Linky on Monday if one of these is true:
a) You started your blog no earlier than December 2007
b) You moved to a new blogging platform or started self-hosting no earlier than December 2007
c) You completely redesigned your blog no earlier than December 2007

You are welcome to offer prizes to your visitors, but that is up to you. Megan and I will be!

Get your move on!

Copy this code to get the button and spread the word:
<a href="http://afteracupofcoffee.blogspot.com/2007/12/big-bloggy-move_19.html" title="big bloggy move2 by christyofwoc, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2158/2122309820_c0ed6222a1_m.jpg" width="171" height="240" alt="big bloggy move2" /></a>


Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

CHRISTY! You are so stinkin' awesome! Thanks for getting this up already. I am amazed!

Now you go get back to your hubby and we'll talk more later.


Joyfulness said...

So I'm curious now. What's the comment policy? I'm totally clueless.

But I'm also totally jealous that your husband is home. :) Actually, not really. I'm VERY happy for you guys!

MrsJennaHatfield said...

How appropriately timed! I'm moving/changing domains. I've purchased the new domain already but haven't yet made the move. I guess I'll just hold off until this Big Bloggy Move date!

That said, for those who are looking for affordable site hosting, there's a Holiday sale at surpasshosting.com right now. $12 for one year.

Jenna of Family Living.

Momisodes said...

This whole Blogger change has caused quite a stir! It seems like this recent change was the last straw for many. I've left recently and began hosting my domain, and so many others are doing so as well...this sounds like a great event :)

MamaBugs said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog especially since your hubby just got home! Juswt wanted to let you know that I have you listed in my military homeschool bloggers and have had you there for some time. I sub to you thru bloglines btw so I should know when and where you make the big bloggy move and will update you on the list after that.
Merry Christmas and go enjoy your family!

Meghan said...

I so hope I have time to do my new blog so I can be a part of this!!

Stephanie said...

I've been contemplating making the switch from Blogger for some time now. I'd love it if you wrote a pros and cons list comparing all the major blog hosting "places" (Blogger, WordPress, Typepad, your own server...), etc.

Shauna said...

What comment policy changes are you referring to?

betty R.~Simply Southern said...

aahhhhhhh,i'm in the dark too..what comment changes?
and i am pleased for you hubby is home!Great new years present..;)
i got this added to my blog this morning,and i have just started a new blog over at wordpress that i am still trying to figure out..lol.
I made my own header this time as well as a few more for sites,if you like it i'd be happy to make one for the giveaway as well..lmk.
happy new year everyone!

betty R.~Simply Southern said...

forgot my new blog's link...

Christy said...

For a while there, people who were not blogging on Blogger could not leave any kind of contact info unless they added it in their comment (which sometimes makes it look like comment spam). You couldn't just click a link to respond by email or visit their blog. Now they have started Open ID, so it is different.

Real Life Sarah said...

I'm so glad Blogger finally went back to allowing links!

I'm not ready to leave Blogger, but I have a brand spankin' new design, so I'll join. I've been looking for some new blogs to read, too!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

This is like the coolest news ever! Count me in!

(Once I get back from my business trip on Jan. 26, this gives me a little over two weeks -- if my math is right -- to get my "up but not functional" new blog all shiny and ready. Whoo hoo!

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking of redoing my blog - new header etc.
Hopefully I can get it done by 2/11 - defintely letting the ladies in my blogging group know about this.
Waving at you from New York

Anonymous said...

I moved my blog to my own .com on Jan 1. Can I join in the move or do I have to debut it on Feb 11th? No hard feelings if you say no.

AbbieCRAZY said...

I love my new design!! I'm gonna wait until 2/11 until putting it up and grab your button...

Thanks for making me a winner!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if I'll qualify for this. But I recently made the big move, from blogger to my hosting my own. I have not fully settled as it's been less than a week (from moving). But I'm learning in a tight rope - blogger is just different from WP.

I'm now at www.makimeji.com

No Minimom said...

Except for finding a really cool template, my new site is ready and waiting for the Big Bloggy Move!

Pennies In My Pocket said...

I redecorated my blog for the New Year and it feels so good to be all dressed up now. :)

Can't wait for the 11th! How fun!


FrazzMom said...

Hey- I tagged you for a meme AND I'm going to put the 'big bloggy move' button on my new design!


Unknown said...

This is AWESOME!! I have 2 new blogs I want to showcase. Thanks for doing this..

Mrs. Gray's Class said...

I just got a new makeover and Megan suggested participating. I am excited and looking forward to seeing everyone's new digs! Thank you

Anonymous said...

We just opened our new blog. I'll be adding this link to our page. Thanks!
Jill at Live Laugh Blog

Unknown said...

Just added your link to my new blog that I started in December. Will keep checking back for more details. Thanks for the opportunity to share my blog. I'm going to do another giveaway too. How fun!

Anonymous said...

What fun! I just started blogging in Jan! I'll be sure to have a link up!

MT said...

What a great idea! I'm putting up on my recently moved blog (WP.com to WP.org-powered to Blogger) and Ill be back on Mon for sure!

As a former Navy Officer wife myself, glad your hubs is back! I remember those days...


Kristi said...

I'm not sure I understand what this is all about but since I am a new blogger (one month) I will be participating to see what it's all about.

Anonymous said...

I started my blog the end of January-
OHHHHH- This is exciting!

Kelley said...

I just started blogging last Sunday! so this will be very fun for me.

Unknown said...

What a nice way to move, a group all together. :) I came via one of your fellow movers. :) Happy now house warming. :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ブランド品 買取
家具付 賃貸 
東京 インプラント 
探偵 独立開業
矯正歯科 名古屋 
結婚相談所 東京 

Anonymous said...

探偵 東京

Anonymous said...

(法新社倫敦四日電) 英國情色大亨芮孟的成人光碟公司昨天說,芮孟日前去世,享壽八十二歲;成人影片這位身價上億的房地a片產開發商,a片曾經在倫敦成人電影色情影片出第一場脫衣舞表演。






Anonymous said...

(法新社a倫敦二B十WE四日電) 「情色二零零七成人影片」情趣情色產品大產自二十色情三日起在倫敦的肯辛頓奧林匹亞AV女優展覽館舉行,倫敦人擺脫對性的保守A片態度踴躍參觀,成人影片許多穿成人網站皮衣與塑膠緊身衣的好色之徒擠進這項世界規模最大的成人生活展,估計三天展期可吸引八萬多好奇民眾參觀。





